I. Assumption of Risk * In this “Agreement” the term Activities shall include all activities, events, or services provided, arranged, organized, conducted, sponsored, or authorized by TOURS TO DO PR and shall include but are not limited to: salsa classes, hiking, trekking, rock climbing, rappelling, cave exploration, camping, travel to and from the tour areas, orientation and instructional courses, seminars and sessions; and other such activities, events and services in any way connected with or related to these activities. The Participant acknowledge that he/she has read, understood, and accepted the following points: - The Participant understand that that there are risks associated with the activities he/she will be undertaking with Tours To Do PR and its agents and contractors (including, but not limited to, Adventure Life PR, Tours to Do and Mariex Adventures) and he/she accepts that it is neither desirable nor feasible to remove all risk from these activities and that this risk is an essential part of the adventure experience and provides the challenge of outdoor activities. - The Participant understands and acknowledges that TOURS TO DO PR cannot guarantee safety thereof, as all risks cannot be prevented. The Participant agrees to voluntarily assume the risks of the Activities, including but not limited to the possibility of death by physical injury or drowning, loss of limbs, broken bones, internal injuries, head injuries, cuts, bruises, sprains, insect bites, allergic reactions, and illness. Furthermore, the Participant assumes the risk of being lost, exposure to extreme temperatures and extreme weather conditions, physical exertion, limited food, water and shelter and the possibility of serious mental or emotional trauma as a result of any or all of the above inherent risks. - The Participant is aware that TOURS TO DO PR, its employees, agents and contractors will take all reasonable and practicable steps to manage these risks to an acceptable level. The Participant also acknowledges that should he/she act contrary to, or outside of, the instructions and advice he/she has been given, he/she significantly increase his/her risk and in doing so will be personally responsible for any consequences. The Participant is also responsible to ensure that his/her actions or inactions does not jeopardize the safety of others. - The Participant is responsible for informing TOURS TO DO PR BEFORE the Activity of any existing illness, injury or allergy that he/she has that might affect my ability to undertake the Activity, or which might require treatment. Moreover, it is his/her responsibility to inform the guides of any extra help he/she may need either before or during the ride owning to this condition. - The Participant assumes full and complete responsibility for checking and confirming any and all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of each destination and all safety or security conditions at those activities. - The Participant further acknowledges that if he/she drives their own vehicle or are passenger in another’s private vehicle in connection with this trip/function, that TOURS TO DO PR’s auto insurance does not cover such a private vehicle. Participant also understands that TOURS TO DO PR cannot be responsible for assuring the safety and reliability of such private transportation or driver, nor for any non-sponsored activities and travel that Participant chooses to participate in before, during or after TOURS TO DO PR’s Activities, and I therefore accept the risks and responsibilities associated with such private vehicle travel and activities. - TOURS TO DO PR explicitly reserves the right for its guides to refuse to allow a Participant to ride or participate in some or all of and adventure if that Participant presents himself or herself under the influence of alcohol or drugs or if a Participant does not comply with the safety directions or behaves in a manner that puts safety at risk. If a Participant under such a circumstance, there is NO REFUND or DISCOUNT or TRANSFER. - Participants understand that TOURS TO DO PR’s first aid kits do not contain any drugs for internal use and that Participant needs to disclose and bring these if he/she might need them. Additionally, if Participant has the potential for severe allergic reactions to bee stings, insect bites, poison oak, sunburn, etc. it is their responsibility to inform the trip leader of the allergy in advance, and to bring the proper medication on the Activity. - Participants assume any medical and emergency expenses in the event of an accident, illness or other incapability that results from participation in the Activity.